How to place an order

To execute an order on the website proceed as follows:

  1. Add the product or products you want to buy to the cart; to add a product to the cart, go to the detailed page of the product, enter the desired quantity at the desired option (for each product typically have multiple variants, for example, items of different sizes), and click the button "Add to cart".
  2. When you have selected all the products you want, click Shopping cart that displays a summary page that indicates, for each selected product, code and description, quantity selected, unit price and total price; the bottom of the list shows the subtotal of the order, any discount, shipping charges, the tax applied and the total.
  3. From the summary page of the cart you can modify the amount of some items or remove one or more items; to change the quantity of an item, enter the new desired quantity in the Quantity box corresponding to the item, and to remove an item from your cart, click the checkbox in the column "Remove"; in both cases to confirm the changes click on "Update shopping cart".
  4. Once you have accepted the general conditions of sale, selecting the appropriate text box, click the Checkout button to proceed with the order.
  5. The order form, requires prior registration to the site by clicking on the "Register" button; if you are already registered simply login to the site by entering the email address used for registration and your password in the "Returning Customer" section and press the "Login" button (if you do not remember password click the link "Forgot password?" to start the process of password recovery).
  6. After registration and login to the site, to proceed with the completion of the order you have to specify the billing address and possibly the delivery address (if different from the billing address), the preferred shipping method, the method of payment and finally click the Confirm button.

At the end of this procedure, the system automatically sends by e-mail a copy of the order to the Real Votiva Store sales office and a copy to the customer. The sales contract is formalized by sending the order by the customer and the subsequent confirmation of the order by In any case, as per regulations, you can cancel your order within the time and in the manner described in the Selling conditions.

When the goods are delivered the customer will receive an e-mail notification with the shipment number (tracking number) and an indication of the courier used to transport so you can check the status and location of the shipment of goods through the shipping search service available on the website of the courier.